Dr. Guangsheng SU 
苏广胜 博士
Postdoctoral Researcher
Email: suguangsheng@westlake.edu.cn
Bionic Fluid Mechanics Underwater Robot
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China Ph.D., Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure, September 2017 - December 2022
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China M.S., Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure, September 2015 - June 2017
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China B.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, August 2011 - June 2015
Su Guangsheng, Li Ningyu, Shen Hailong, et al. Swimming near substrates: Stingray self-propelled undulatory simulations[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264: 112495. Su Guangsheng, Shen Hailong, Li Ningyu, et al. Numerical investigation of the hydrodynamics of stingray swimming under self-propulsion[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2021, 106: 103383. Su Guangsheng, Shen Hailong, Su Yumin. Numerical prediction of hydrodynamic performance of planing trimaran with a wave-piercing bow[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(11): 897.
专利:⼀种仿⽣柔性鳍⽔动⼒性能测量实验装置及⽅法。申请⼈:苏⼴胜 ;沈海⻰;余磊 ;李宁宇 ;苏⽟⺠ ;张磊 ;庄佳园 ;⻩兵 ;王博 。状态:已授权。
专利:⼀种基于FLUENT动⽹格技术⻩貂⻥模型的⾃主游动模拟⽅法。申请⼈:苏⼴胜 ;李宁宇 ;沈海⻰ ;张传林 ;余磊 ;苏⽟⺠ 。状态:已授权。 软著:⽆⼈艇舱室内⼆氧化碳浓度测量软件。第⼀发明⼈。状态:已登记。 软著:仿孔鳐波动推进与操纵控制程序。第⼀发明⼈。状态:已登记。 软著:仿⻩貂⻥波动推进与操纵控制程序。第⼀发明⼈。状态:已登记。