01. Intelligent Towing Pool (ITP)
The ITP is a 5.5* 4.5m^2 fully automatic towing pool, with five axes that can work simultaneously. X axis is along the towing direction with a maximum speed of 0.5m/s, Y is perpendicular to the towing direction and Z is the vertical axis. In addition, the xx axis shares the same direction with X of 0.6-m stroke and T is the rotation direction along the Z axis. This unique experimental facility enables large model testing of aerodynamic and hydrodynamic flows using highspeed laser, camera systems and force transducers.
Fig. 01. Schematic image of the ITP
02. Intelligent Flapping-foil Farm (IFF)
The IFF is a small towing pool divided into 8 channels. Each channel is equipped with one force transducer, three motor servos and one model (such as flapping foil or swimming leg). Thus, the model can achieve multi-degree of freedom movement and eight channels can work simultaneously to collect extremely large amounts of data. Large amounts of data are the basis for intelligent experiments. This facility acts as intelligent “robot scientist”, which works continuously day and night without any interruption or supervision.
Mov. 01. Schematic image of the IFF
03. Circulating Water Tunnel (CWT)
The CWT system components include: flow sections, test section, circulating pump, variable speed drive and piping. Overall dimensions of the CWT: length, 4.85m; height, 171.6cm; width, 165.03cm. More importantly, the test section is fabricated by Super Abrasion Resistant, clear acrylic. The interior dimensions of the test section are 30.00 cm wide by 30.00 cm high by 100.00cm long. The free-stream turbulence intensity in the test section is less than 1.0% when the velocity in the range of 0.01m/s to 0.5m/s. This flow quality enables high precision experiments by using highspeed laser, camera systems, force and pressure transducers.
Fig. 02. Schematic image of the CWT
04. Intelligent Towing Tank (ITT)
The ITT is a 4.2-m fully automatic towing tank, with one towing axis that can achieve 0.5m/s towing speed and another 3-axis precise motion-controlled carriage (X along the towing direction, Y perpendicular to the towing direction and T of the rotational direction). This precisely controlled towing tank enables small model testing of hydrodynamic flows using highspeed laser, camera systems, force and pressure transducers.
Fig. 03. Schematic image of the ITT